Be Fearless in the pursuit of what sets YOUR SOUL ON FIRE


 That sounds scary right?  We stop ourselves from doing things all of the time because of FEAR.
We are afraid to fail. We are afraid to take the risk.  We say things to ourselves such as:  

  • what if it doesn't work out? 
  • what if I lose everything?
  • what will my family think?  
  • what will my friends think? 

Now just think for a moment. What would your life be like if you faced your fears head on?   What would your life look like if  you looked at your fears as an opportunity to learn and grow?   Just imagine all of the endless possibilities. 


So by now you are wondering - what does this have to do with me, Yvey Somerfeld?  And further what is the premise behind 


I had a very chaotic childhood which included numerous traumatic events.  I could have easily let all of that destroy me - but I didn't.  

Now I must share these experiences in order to help others - to give back - to make a difference - to lead by example - to instill the belief that anything is possible - that we must face our fears - and that we all have the POWER TO IGNITE INSIDE OF US!

I look forward to our Journey.

All the Best,
